‘Step change’ in safety gathers pace as CARES becomes latest signatory of Building Safety Charter

30 April 2021 Return to news articles

‘Step change’ in safety gathers pace as CARES becomes latest signatory of Building Safety Charter

CARES are pleased to become a Registered Signatory of the Building a Safer Future Charter. CARES recognise that becoming a Registered Signatory is an important first step towards achieving the culture and behavioural change required in relation to the Charter's objectives around building safety. In confirming our support as a Registered Signatory, we will now be working to ensure that we embed the principles of the Charter into our organisation’s activities.

CARES has joined the growing list of private and public sector organisations to commit to championing fundamental cultural change underpinning the Building Safety Charter.

By becoming a formal signatory of the Building a Safer Future Charter CARES is demonstrating its “unwavering support” for the step change in behaviour and safety focus called for by Dame Judith Hart in the wake of the Grenfell Tragedy, said CARES Chief Executive Officer Lee Brankley.

“We wholeheartedly endorse the Charter’s message that people’s safety must be the overarching focus in scoping, designing and delivering future projects across the built environment,” he said.

As the government’s new Building Regulator becomes empowered with the legislative clout to enact Dame Judith’s recommendations, adoption of the core principles within the Building Safety Charter represented a “critical first step” in restoring public confidence in the industry, added Mr Brankley.

For more information on the charter please go to: https://buildingasaferfuture.org.uk/home/

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