CARES launches a new product certification scheme in Australia

CARES Supply and Installation of Post-Tensioning Systems for Concrete Structures Scheme in Australia

As part of our global commitment to improving end-user confidence in the supply and installation of Post-Tensioning systems for concrete structures, CARES are launching a product certification scheme for the Supply and Installation of Post Tensioning Systems for Concrete Structures.

In developing the scheme CARES has engaged with all stakeholders including structural engineers, major contractors, clients, the Australasian Certification Authority for Reinforcing and Structural Steels (ACRS) and the Post Tensioning Institute of Australia(PTIA).

CARES conducted an extensive public consultation on the scheme’s technical requirements to ensure the needs and expectations of all stakeholders were addressed. Today’s Scheme content reflects the outcome of the consultation process.

The new scheme covers the following activities:

-               Production and Supply of Prestressing Anchorages for Post-Tensioning Systems

-               Production and Supply of Prebagged Grout Material for use in Post-Tensioning Systems

-               Supply and Installation of Post-Tensioning Systems in Concrete Structures

                (excluding Highways Structures)

-               Registration Scheme for Competent Post-Tensioning Personnel

There are a number of documents that deal with various aspects of post-tensioning of flat slabs, however none comprehensively deals with the technical aspects of post-tensioning in building construction. Consequently, CARES has produced a model specification as a guide to specification writers, which take account of regional specifications and state building control requirements.

The scheme will complement ongoing activities by the State and Territory governments of Australia to enhance the quality of built structures and the transparency of supply chains through digitalisation and other measures.

For information on the certification process, please feel free to drop us an e-mail at

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