
CARES is governed by its Board which is composed of the chief executive officer, general manager and company secretary along with four non-executive directors and an independent Chairman. The Board is advised by a Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) comprising organisations representing specifiers, contractors, users and manufacturers (see below). PAC members are not CARES company directors. The Board is also supported by technical advisory groups and overseas committees.

The CARES Board


  • Steven Brunswick – Independent Chairman


  • Lee Brankley – CEO
  • Ayhan Tugrul – General Manager
  • Jane Smith – Finance Director and Company Secretary

Non-Executive Directors:

  • Stephen Rutherford
  • Alan Pickett
  • Andy Truby
  • Ian Parish

The CARES Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)

CARES Members:

  • Association of Consultancy and Engineering (ACE) – represented by Sarah Kaethner
  • Highways England – represented by Gerry Hayter
  • Civil Engineering Contractors Association (CECA) – represented by Peter Crosland
  • UK Steel – represented by Gareth Stace
  • British Association of Reinforcement (BAR) – represented by Steve Elliott
  • CONSTRUCT – represented by Sam Wong
  • London Heathrow Airports Ltd – represented by Richard Dunn
  • Institution of Structural Engineers – represented by Andy Truby
  • Post Tensioning Association (PTA) – represented by Matt Gilliver

Chairman’s nominees:

  • International Steel Trade Association (ISTA) – Simone Jordan
  • Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR/HSE) – Tim Allmark
  • Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) – John Lane
  • MPA Concrete Centre - Tony Jones 
  • BIRFA - Andy Kirkcaldy
  • Contractor - Andrew Kinsey 

 Policy Statement 

The policy of CARES is to operate in complete accordance with the principles and criteria of the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and the requirements of the relevant conformity assessment standard, BS EN ISO/IEC 17065 and BS EN ISO/IEC 17021. CARES sets objectives for all key functions and reviews performance at regular intervals to identify areas for continual improvement.

CARES supports the principles of co-operation and co-ordination with organisations involved with International Certification. This includes participation in those groups established by the European Commission for that purpose, e.g. advisory and sector groups of notified bodies and the European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA). CARES contributes to the activities of professional bodies, trade associations and standards making bodies, both national and international. These active involvements are undertaken to ensure the provision of maximum added value to both the users of the products with which CARES is associated and its direct clients. 

CARES is committed to the principles of sustainable development, including inclusivity, integrity and transparency, and shall actively promote those principles through the effective implementation of the CARES sustainable reinforcing steel scheme which is operated in accordance with BS 8902. Through proactive and frequent stakeholder engagement the Scheme has been specifically developed for the reinforcing steel supply chain using the most relevant performance indicators which shall be publicly reported at least annually. There shall be a full re-appraisal at least every two years in consultation with stakeholders to assess the level of performance by the Scheme against the sustainable development principles. CARES shall ensure that the Scheme steadily improves this level of performance through periodic review of the sustainability principles, responsible sourcing issues, objectives, targets and operational assessment schedules. The overall intent of this is that accredited certification of the reinforcing steel supply chain will deliver an improvement in sustainable development. CARES will endeavour to promote the fulfilment of this intent nationally and internationally.

CARES fully applies the stringent requirements necessary for organisations carrying out third party certification and accept the value of them to the operation of this organisation. This Management system has been established to ensure CARES meets those requirements.

Steven Brunswick
Chairman of CARES

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