Occupational Health and Safety Certification

Since the publication of OHSAS 18001 in 2007 progressive businesses have sought Independent Third Party Certification of their management systems in seeking to go beyond compulsory measures and promote continuous improvement in health and safety matters.

What is CARES OHSAS certification to OHSAS18001?

An management system dealing with the requirements of OHSAS18001 provides a framework for a structured, systematic approach to the achievement of its aims and objectives. Like ISO9001 or ISO14001, it is a ‘common sense’ set of requirements designed to monitor and improve health and safety performance, putting in place a basic set of management controls in place within a formalised documented system. It can be applied to a business of any size and discipline and therefore is suitable for use by firms in the reinforced concrete and steel manufacturing and processing sectors.

Why is it needed?

The key benefits from implementing an effective Occupational Health and Safety (OH &S) management system include:

  • provision of a safer and healthier working environment
  • a structured approach to review legal requirements and a commitment to comply
  • management structure delegating authority and responsibility
  • assessment of hazards and risks within the organisation
  • a planned and systematic approach to OH &S
  • increased awareness and knowledge of OH &S matters

Construction clients, designers and contractors are under ever increasing pressure to be 'best practice' operators in many respects and health and safety considerations are becoming much more important in this respect. They therefore look to suppliers of products and services to also behave in a responsible manner, with accompanying the credentials.

Operational Health and Safety management system certification therefore makes sense!

How do you achieve certification?

Firms wishing to achieve certification must operate in accordance with a documented quality management system that satisfies the requirements of OHSAS18001.

Firms that wish to embark on the path to operational health and safety management systems certification can contact CARES to obtain some guidance on how to proceed.

The assessment procedure commences with a detailed review of the Quality Manual against the requirements of OHSAS18001. Providing the Quality Manual meets the requirements of OHSAS18001, an assessment of the firms system is carried out. The assessment team may comprise one or more auditors depending upon the size and complexity of the firm's activities. After a successful assessment and the payment of fees a Certificate of Approval will be issued.

Why choose CARES?

Achieving certification to OHSAS18001 requires considerable effort and commitment from a company. It is often the beginning of improved process and business performance. CARES provides free marketing support to promote successful certification and allows a certificated firm to display the relevant CARES "quality mark" on publicity and stationery. All Approved companies are automatically included in the CARES Approved Firms section of this website.

Having invested so much in an Operational Health and Safety Management system, please entrust an assessment to a certification body that understands the product, processes and supply chain.